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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bizarre Brian Beigel - Clarity Consultants, Boston

Infuriation: Refusal to follow through on his own offer of job description, refusal to respond to email or call

Why would a recruiter ask for an email address to send a job description, then refuse to follow through? The answer must be a bizarre one, hence the nickname for this rudely incompetent waste of time. In fact, since he's styled as a "Consultant Engagement Manager" for a few years now, it's probable that he's wasted a lot of candidates' time. Bizarre Brian works for Clarity Consultants, already mentioned in this Hall of Shame, so his arrogant, disdainful contempt is right at home.

Here's the timeline:
Day 1: Brian Beigel emailed a prospect through LinkedIn with a very brief mention of a likely-sounding job, and offered to send the job description. Since LinkedIn email doesn't allow attachments, Brian Beigel asked for an email address that could receive attachments. The prospect provided a suitable email address within the hour, also via LinkedIn email. No response.

Day 2: The prospect emailed Brian Beigel again through LinkedIn, providing an appropriate email address. Beigel had not provided his own email address, which should have been a clue. No response.

Day 3: The prospect called Clarity Consultants' home office on the West Coast. Not only did Brian Beigel not provide any personal contact information, Clarity Consultants doesn't list contact information for their various offices -- Clue 2 to this disdainfully rude organization's attitude toward prospects who are solicited by the organization themselves. The West Coast HQ connected the prospect to Brian Beigel's office recording, whereupon the prospect left a polite, upbeat message with her email address and a reminder of the offered position. No response.

Bizarre Brian Beigel is a typical "senior recruiter," a person with minimal education and no experience in a bottom-line-focused corporate role. He's never created or managed, never had to hone his communications skills in real-world production meetings, never been part of a team, never held accountable or even supervised by anyone other than recruiters. He recruits people who are better educated and more skilled than he is, for roles that he cannot understand. Given his tenure in the intellectually bankrupt world of contract recruiting, he's never going to be exposed to better practices.

Bizarre Brian Beigel will never learn that he wouldn't have to hide from incoming business calls and ignore emails like a deadbeat hiding from creditors, if he simply acted professionally and simply followed through on his own offers.

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